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ORC Week 7: The Final Lap

Leslie Nichols

We are approaching the finish line and after an exhausting week 6 the light at the end of the tunnel is feeling so good! Week 7 has consisted of a lot of store runs looking for the final touches and styling elements to finish the look. The light is still not adjusted but I am praying it gets tackled this coming week. I am working on someone else's timeline so I have to be patient. The final details have been added to the cabinet but I am missing a small piece of trim that is going to have to wait due to the material being backordered. I also am still waiting for the cabinet hardware to arrive, which may not be in time for the reveal, but we will push on. In this time where everything is backordered and delayed I just have to deal with the delays as they come lol.

We also finished the wallpaper in the hallway using the liquid cornstarch method and it has been holding up perfectly!

This weekend we removed the tub surround which was so much easier than I was expecting. I had been delaying this step in the process for weeks because I honesty thought it was going to be much harder than it really was. I was so relived that it came off so easily. That tub surround was such a hinderance on our standard sized tub. It was hard to clean, water would splash out when showering, and visually it felt like an after thought. So off she goes, and I don't miss it at all. Having a tall shower curtain completes the space so much better and it will function a million times better than the glass. All in all week 7 was pretty uneventful because it was the all the little "tidy up" details to be ready to for photos of the reveal. I am so happy with the way it has all come together and I cannot wait until you all can see it. I will have all the details ready for you in the reveal post.

So that's all I have for you, until next time tribe!

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